About AIM Behavioral Health Services

Welcome to AIM Behavioral Health Services, where compassionate care meets innovative solutions for mental health and substance use disorders. Founded by Dr. Awawu Ojikutu-Agbabiaka, AIM BHS is all about empowering individuals to reach their full potential and live fulfilling lives.

Our Vision

Join Dr. Awawu Ojikutu-Agbabiaka as she unveils her inspiring vision for AIM Behavioral Health Services in this enlightening video.

Our Mission

At AIM Behavioral Health Services, our mission is simple: to provide comprehensive, evidence-based treatment and support to those individuals dealing with mental health and substance use disorders. We believe in fostering a culture of empathy, respect, and empowerment, where every individual feels valued, heard, and supported on their journey to recovery.

Our Approach

We know that seeking help for mental health or substance use concerns can be daunting, which is why we always provide a warm and welcoming atmosphere where patients feel safe and comfortable expressing themselves. Our approach is patient-centered, collaborative, and holistic, focusing on the unique needs and goals of each individual.

Dr. Awawu Ojikutu-Agbabiaka brings multidisciplinary expertise in psychiatry, nursing, counseling, and addiction medicine to provide personalized care tailored to meet the unique needs of our patients. We offer a variety of services, including medication management, therapy, and addiction treatment, to effectively address mental health and substance use concerns.

Our Values

  • Compassion: We approach each patient with kindness, understanding, and empathy, recognizing that every individual’s journey is unique.
  • Integrity: We maintain the highest ethical standards not only because it’s the right thing to do but also to honor the trust placed in us by our patients and the community.
  • Collaboration: We believe in working together as a team, involving patients in treatment decisions, and collaborating with other providers to ensure coordinated and comprehensive care.
  • Innovation: We stay current with developments in mental health care and continually seek new approaches to improving outcomes and enhancing the patient experience.

Community Engagement

We are deeply committed to giving back and making an impact beyond our clinic walls. Through volunteering, education, advocacy, and outreach initiatives, we strive to raise awareness, reduce stigma, and promote health and mental wellness in the communities we serve.

Get Started

If you or someone you love is struggling with mental health or substance use concerns, we are here to help. Contact AIM Behavioral Health Services to schedule a consultation. Take the first step toward healing, hope, and recovery—your journey to wellness starts here!